IDL’s PVF Quote Platform

Streamline and Strategize

Process, Price, and get the Pulse on Every
RFQ with AI-driven Precision.

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Quote Platform

The Problem with PVF RFQs

The Problem
with PVF RFQs


Time consuming manual data entry


Inconsistent RFQ formats and product


Prone to human errors


No time for real follow-ups


Slow supplier response times and
manual price comparisons


Lacks real-time data insights


Time consuming manual data entry


Inconsistent RFQ formats and product descriptions


Prone to human errors


No time for real follow-ups


Slow supplier response times and manual price comparisons


Lacks real-time data insights

Industrial Data Labs’ SOLUTION for PVF RFQs

Industrial Data
Labs’ SOLUTION for


Streamline your RFQs with the only PVF-specific Quote Platform designed to simplify processing, logging, and managing quotes. Our system ensures each quote is meticulously organized and tracked, revolutionizing your workflow.


IDL’s PVF AI Model automatically extracts key product attributes, streamlining the pricing process, eliminating human error, and saving your team countless hours.

Get the Pulse on Every RFQ

Our comprehensive analytics dashboard provides real-time insights into your team’s efficiency, quote metrics, supplier performance, and market trends. Empowered with data, make informed decisions, optimize your strategies, and achieve KPIs like never before.


Streamline your RFQs with the only PVFspecific Quote Platform designed to simplify processing, logging, and managing quotes. Our system ensures each quote is meticulously organized and tracked, revolutionizing your workflow.


IDL’s PVF AI Model automatically extracts key product attributes, streamlining the pricing process, eliminating human error, and saving your team countless hours.

Get the Pulse on Every RFQ

Our comprehensive analytics dashboard provides real-time insights into your team’s efficiency, quote metrics, supplier performance, and market trends. Empowered with data, make informed decisions, optimize your strategies, and achieve KPIs like never before.

Existing Workflow vs IDL Quote Platform Comparison

Existing Workflow vs IDL Quote Platform Comparison

Existing Workflows
Time-consuming manual data entry Automated data entry
Inconsistent RFQ formats and product descriptions AI-powered attribute parsing
Prone to human errors High efficacy AI model improves accuracy
No time for quote follow ups Efficiency boosts follow ups and hit rate
Slow supplier response times and manual price comparisons Expedited supplier response times and pricing comparisons
Difficult to process, log and manage quotes Real-time data insigts
Existing Workflows
Limited visibility into performance and quotes Dashboard for real-time and full visibility into performance and quotes
Unable to track historical supplier pricing Enables powerful historical supplier data
Difficult to track effectiveness Enhanced tracking capabilities
No time for quote follow ups Reduce quoting times for improved customer service levels
Slower strategic decision-making Instant data access and AI-driven insights
Inadequate market data analysis Advanced market data analysis to better understand market trends and customer needs
Existing Workflows
Long response times Faster Quote Return
Errors on product accuracy Less errors encountered
More competitive pricing offered

Sales Rep

Existing Workflows

  • Time-consuming manual data entry
  • Inconsistent RFQ formats and product descriptions
  • Prone to human errors
  • No time for quote follow ups
  • Slow supplier response times and manual price comparisons
  • Difficult to process, log and manage quotes

  • Automated data entry
  • AI-powered attribute parsing
  • High efficacy AI model improves accuracy
  • Efficiency boosts follow ups and hit rate
  • Expedited supplier response times and pricing comparisons
  • Real-time data insigts


Existing Workflows

  • Limited visibility into performance and quotes
  • Unable to track historical supplier pricing
  • Difficult to track effectiveness
  • No time for quote follow ups
  • Slower strategic decision-making
  • Inadequate market data analysis

  • Dashboard for real-time and full visibility into performance and quotes
  • Enables powerful historical supplier data
  • Enhanced tracking capabilities
  • Reduce quoting times for improved customer service levels
  • Instant data access and AI-driven insights
  • Advanced market data analysis to better understand market trends and customer needs

Your Customers

Existing Workflows

  • Long response times
  • Error on product accuracy

  • Faster Quote Return
  • Less errors encountered
  • More competitive pricing offered

Get Started Today

Get Started Today

AI-Powered PVF Quote Platform

$20/month with 30 day Free Trial

Per User

Process, Price, and get the Pulse on
Every RFQ with AI-driven Precision.

  • Centralized Quote Management and Workflow
  • Quote logging and Tracking
  • Win/Loss Rate Visibility
  • AI-Powered Attribute Parsing
  • RFQ Attribute Organization
  • Multi-Line Entry for Large Line Item RFQs
  • Customizable Columns for each sales rep and team
  • Supplier Price Tracking and Comparison
  • Company-specific dashboard for real-time analytics

AI-Powered PVF Quote Platform with ERP Integration

Contact Sales for Pricing

Includes everything in the AI-Powered PVF
Quote Platform, plus:

  • AI-powered algorithms identify the optimal product selections based on customer requirements
  • Automatically suggests alternative products
  • Considers historical sales data and customer preferences for customized product recommendations
  • Utilizes AI to analyze supplier performance, pricing, and delivery options
  • Identifies strategic suppliers who consistently provide competitive bids
  • Recommends suppliers based on their historical performance, reliability, and pricing
  • Seamless integration with your ERP system or XLS database for efficient data synchronization
  • Automated data transfer between the quoting platform and ERP or other database, eliminating manual data entry
AI-Powered PVF Quote Platform

$20/month w/ 30 day Free Trial

Per User

Process, Price, and get the Pulse on every RFQ with AI-driven precision.

  • Centralized Quote Management and Workflow
  • Quote logging and Tracking
  • Win/Loss Rate Visibility
  • AI-Powered Attribute Parsing
  • RFQ Attribute Organization
  • Multi-Line Entry for Large Line Item RFQs
  • Customizable Columns for each sales rep and team
  • Supplier Price Tracking and Comparison
  • Company-specific dashboard for real-time analytics
AI-Powered PVF Quote Platform with ERP Integration

Contact Sales for Pricing

Includes Everything in the AI-Powered PVF Quote Platform Plus:

  • AI-powered algorithms identify the optimal product selections based on customer requirements
  • Automatically suggests alternative products
  • Considers historical sales data and customer preferences for customized product recommendations
  • Utilizes AI to analyze supplier performance, pricing, and delivery options
  • Identifies strategic suppliers who consistently provide competitive bids
  • Recommends suppliers based on their historical performance, reliability, and pricing
  • Seamless integration with your ERP system or XLS database for efficient data synchronization
  • Automated data transfer between the quoting platform and ERP or other database, eliminating manual data entry

Our Support Team is Here for You

Our Support Team is
Here for You

Easy onboarding


Tiered plans customized for
your needs

Dedicated support team to
ensure your success

Dedicated support team to ensure your success

We Integrate in Your Current Workflow

We Integrate To Your Current Workflow

IDL’s cutting-edge technology offers seamless integration with any ERP, CRM, or other business
application, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow for your organization.

IDL’s cutting-edge technology offers seamless integration with any ERP, CRM, or other business application, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow for your organization.

Data Security Measures

Data Security

With these robust data security components, including military-grade protection and advanced threat
detection, the AI-Powered PVF Quote Platform provides unparalleled data security. Our proactive approach
to identifying and mitigating potential security risks sets us apart and ensures your sensitive data remains
protected, allowing you to focus on your core business with confidence.

With these robust data security components, including military-grade protection and advanced threat detection, the AI-Powered PVF Quote Platform provides unparalleled data security. Our proactive approach to identifying and mitigating potential security risks sets us apart and ensures your sensitive data remains protected, allowing you to focus on your core business with confidence.

Secure User


Secure Cloud

Individual Data Storage
and Security